Thursday, October 6, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Recently I had the pleasure of engaging in conversation (and debate) about the Occupy Wall Street movement currently happening in New York City.  The one thing that kept coming up from other posters is that the movement itself seems to be lacking direction.  I think that most of us can agree that something needs to change, regardless our political position.  But for there to be change we need a solid and unified direction.

Most of what I saw of the movement, through the scope of photography and video, were a bunch of people upset but offering up little exchange in dialogue other than your typical liberal speaking points.  That's fine by me; I commend you acting on your right to free speach and further you having the gumption to get out and protest.  However, these ideas, including many conservative ideas are the same thoughts that have brought our country to where we are today.

I propose we open up a new dialogue, put our division behind us and come up with a more thorough, common sense approach.  If we are all going to continue living the lives that we have grown to love then we need to start thinking as Americans first.  I'm not saying we should be individuals or collectivist, rather what I am saying is that we need to start thinking about what is best for the country as a whole rather than ourselves.  From my perception, many of the issues that we are dealing with today are factors of cause and effect.

We the people vote those individuals in office who we believe will best help us and our position in society instead of voting on those who will best help America as a whole.  Those politicians which we elect in our own interest pit us against one another furthering our already divided nation.  Take for example the disdain currently infiltrating America in regards to big business.  These businesses in many cases are well within their legal boundaries to act the way we do.  Why are they within their legal boundaries?  Because our politicians we elect set those boundaries.

My point is that there is so much blame to throw around.  Let's stop the blame game, take on our responsible role as Americans and start thinking about one another rather than ourselves.  I'm in no way endorsing socialism when I say these things, rather I'm endorsing our responsibility to think outside of ourselves when we vote, buy our groceries, and even pass political and social judgment.  When we gather as Americans, let us gather with not only a unified purpose but answers as well.

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