Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The box...

Once upon a time in a box far away lived a young conservative, and then a young socialist, and then a conservative, and then no one. The box was sad, and thus it ran away finding other box friends, mated, and then spread little boxes across the land for others to live in… well… maybe not. Maybe, these boxes were already there and others were always living in them. This is the most likely scenario and honestly, it makes me sick.

I was that young conservative, turned socialist, turned conservative… and in every path I took at the time I believed I was right. The truth is, I thought with all paths I had taken made me different. Truthfully, I was no better off than everyone else in their box.

Don’t get me wrong, I still have my convictions and I will stand by them till death. But it just seems as if there are so many things in this world that you can’t subdue into a corner, rather realize that this world is not black and white. It may be easier to think that it is, but in the end the grey of life is where the truth most often lies.

I’m not necessarily speaking of any particular issue, as I said there are many things that I do believe in and will support for as long as I live. However, don’t think that I am closed minded or that because I am a Christian that I follow the church blindly nor think that because I am registered Republican that I tow the party line. I am not that simple, and neither are people most people when they use their heads. So please stay out of boxes; use your education, common sense, and God given ability to think for yourself. I promise you that the world will be a better place for it!

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