Monday, October 10, 2011

Dictating our own circumstance

As an existentialist, I firmly believe that "Existence precedes and commands Essence;" (Jean Paul Sartre) or in laymen terms, we create who we are through our own actions.
Too often, we as Americans tend to forget that in order to succeed; we must work hard and make correct choices in order to prevail in life.  Instead, we look to one another and see what they have making judgments based on our fallen perception of the world.  We say things such as; I can't, or if I were only born (fill in the blank) as a way to make excuses for our station in life.  I admit that this mental trap is easily laid in front of us when our chips are down; even still we must remind ourselves constantly that thinking this way is counterproductive to whom we are as individuals.  Often times, the way that we perceive things often separates the successful from the unsuccessful and the victor and the victim.
In today's economic situation, it has become more necessary than ever for us to choose a better path than those before us.  We must do this by choosing to be more than what we think we can be, and instead of allowing our circumstances to dictate who we are, we should dictate our circumstances.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Prisoners being employed by major corporations?

I just read a story about prisoners being employed to work for major corporation.  Although under normal circumstances I wouldn't necessarily have a problem with this the story reports that these businesses using prison labor are literally closing up shop in order to save money, and benefits that they would have to pay regular Jo's and Jane's.  Under the present economic circumstance, I have to say that this an indefensible, immoral, and completely anti American act on the part of these corporations if this is true.

Generally speaking, I would support big business so long as they follow the law's enforced by our government; however, this act by these corporations that may be taking part in this should cease at once.  How could anyone get away with this and think it were okay?  With unemployment in the U.S. over 9% I have a hard time accepting this as the right and decent thing to do.

For more information on this story:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Possible answer to job growth?

I was speaking with my humanities instructor tonight, and he came up with an amazing idea that I think would be beneficial to America and corporations alike.

My instructor proposed having congress as well as the heads of business to communicate what a good tax break would be.  Once they agreed on a specific amount, a percentage of the amount saved would then dispersed within the company in ways to  promote job growth.  This to me would be a "win win" situation; businesses would be able to expand in a way that is not just self promoting, but also have a legal obligation that would help society as well.

Would this be a possible answer to job growth?  I think it may at least be a start...

Occupy Wall Street

Recently I had the pleasure of engaging in conversation (and debate) about the Occupy Wall Street movement currently happening in New York City.  The one thing that kept coming up from other posters is that the movement itself seems to be lacking direction.  I think that most of us can agree that something needs to change, regardless our political position.  But for there to be change we need a solid and unified direction.

Most of what I saw of the movement, through the scope of photography and video, were a bunch of people upset but offering up little exchange in dialogue other than your typical liberal speaking points.  That's fine by me; I commend you acting on your right to free speach and further you having the gumption to get out and protest.  However, these ideas, including many conservative ideas are the same thoughts that have brought our country to where we are today.

I propose we open up a new dialogue, put our division behind us and come up with a more thorough, common sense approach.  If we are all going to continue living the lives that we have grown to love then we need to start thinking as Americans first.  I'm not saying we should be individuals or collectivist, rather what I am saying is that we need to start thinking about what is best for the country as a whole rather than ourselves.  From my perception, many of the issues that we are dealing with today are factors of cause and effect.

We the people vote those individuals in office who we believe will best help us and our position in society instead of voting on those who will best help America as a whole.  Those politicians which we elect in our own interest pit us against one another furthering our already divided nation.  Take for example the disdain currently infiltrating America in regards to big business.  These businesses in many cases are well within their legal boundaries to act the way we do.  Why are they within their legal boundaries?  Because our politicians we elect set those boundaries.

My point is that there is so much blame to throw around.  Let's stop the blame game, take on our responsible role as Americans and start thinking about one another rather than ourselves.  I'm in no way endorsing socialism when I say these things, rather I'm endorsing our responsibility to think outside of ourselves when we vote, buy our groceries, and even pass political and social judgment.  When we gather as Americans, let us gather with not only a unified purpose but answers as well.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The box...

Once upon a time in a box far away lived a young conservative, and then a young socialist, and then a conservative, and then no one. The box was sad, and thus it ran away finding other box friends, mated, and then spread little boxes across the land for others to live in… well… maybe not. Maybe, these boxes were already there and others were always living in them. This is the most likely scenario and honestly, it makes me sick.

I was that young conservative, turned socialist, turned conservative… and in every path I took at the time I believed I was right. The truth is, I thought with all paths I had taken made me different. Truthfully, I was no better off than everyone else in their box.

Don’t get me wrong, I still have my convictions and I will stand by them till death. But it just seems as if there are so many things in this world that you can’t subdue into a corner, rather realize that this world is not black and white. It may be easier to think that it is, but in the end the grey of life is where the truth most often lies.

I’m not necessarily speaking of any particular issue, as I said there are many things that I do believe in and will support for as long as I live. However, don’t think that I am closed minded or that because I am a Christian that I follow the church blindly nor think that because I am registered Republican that I tow the party line. I am not that simple, and neither are people most people when they use their heads. So please stay out of boxes; use your education, common sense, and God given ability to think for yourself. I promise you that the world will be a better place for it!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Marijuana Policy Project Foundation

So today I received a letter in the mail from the MPP (Marijuana Policy Project Foundation) trying to obtain donations in support of the legalization of medical marijuana. I can’t say that I necessarily support this action, however, what struck me as strange, is that for all the information they were sharing in regards to their “cause” the MPP thought it important to note that 40+ percent of Americans supported the general legalization of medical marijuana as well as the increase in marijuana arrests over numerous years.

Getting to my point, what does that have to do with the legalization of medical marijuana? If the MPP wants to legalize marijuana then they should just come out and say it. Please don’t take me for a fool and think that I don’t understand what your end goal is. Regardless of whether or not I support your cause, please just be up front about your intentions. Needless to say, this organization will not get my money, nor will I support the legalization of any illegal substance.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Human Augmentation

After logging 15+ hours of gameplay into Deus Ex: Human Revolution I have been very impressed with the concept and gameplay. However more relevant to this blog; I have been impressed with ethical questions the game itself poses about human enhancements, or as called in Deus Ex, human augmentation.

The augmentation used in this game is more than just artificial legs or arms, but rather a fusion of technology and science so advanced that individuals have become more than human leaving the rest of society as subhuman. Those with money are able to obtain augmented limbs to replace pre-existing body parts as well as the drugs to sustain them all the while the rest of the population is left just human. Obviously, this leaves everyone without augmentation at a disadvantage creating yet another type of class warfare. On top of the class divide, those who obtain augmentation, but are unable to sustain the augments received through usage of addictive drugs are left on the streets to beg and eventually die.

The premise of the entire game is beyond bleak; while the technology and science behind augmentation is amazingly dreadful it still manages to be cool at the same time. The thing is, the game is set in 2027 which isn’t far off from today, and upon doing research into the subject the science itself isn’t far behind either.

So what do you think? Have you played the game? How do you feel about human augmentation?